Heart disease is the #1 killer of Americans, and those over age 65 are more likely to have a heart attack, stroke or to develop coronary heart disease. This can lead to disabilities and limited activity which all result in a lesser quality of life for seniors who suffer from heart issues.
Many instances of heart disease are preventable, and there are ways you can help decrease your chances of having heart issues. Carefree communities of Norwalk like Holland Farms can help you on your path to good heart health.
Let’s look at a few ways to bolster your health and maintain a healthy heart:
#1) Eat a healthy diet
Although a heart-healthy diet may be low in calories, it must be high in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Eating fruits and vegetables is great for your heart, and seniors should have at least five helpings of these each day while limiting trans and saturated fats and too much sugar.
Eating healthy meals and snacks is important. Living in a carefree community like Holland Farms can help you meet your dietary needs for the best heart health. Our assisted living includes delicious restaurant-style dining, including three chef-prepared meals daily. When you read about our community, you can see the qualifications of our staff which includes our Dining Service Manager. We are here to make sure all your needs are met for the best quality of life.
#2) Maintain a healthy weight
Following a good diet can help you maintain a healthy weight. Avoiding body fat can help you avoid heart disease, and that is where the nutritious meals come in. It also helps you avoid high blood pressure, diabetes and breathing issues. It can even help you avoid certain types of cancer.
You should work with your doctor or other medical personnel to assist you in maintaining a good BMI (body mass index) for your overall health. Most carefree communities like Holland Farms will have nursing staff to assist in helping you maintain your overall well-being.
#3) Don’t smoke
Since smoking is a leading cause of preventable death and can greatly raise your risk of all types of heart issues, you should avoid smoking. If you smoke now, stop. Smoking damages artery walls, but quitting can lower your risk of a stroke, heart disease and cancer over time. It is never too late to quit and improve your overall health.
Smoking is one addiction that you can usually find support groups and people to help you if you are struggling to quit, as well as resources that are available from many non-profit organizations. Ask questions and find help if you are ready to quit but are having a tough time doing so.
#4) Stay active
Regular physical activity can lower your chances of heart disease by reducing your blood pressure and cholesterol. It can help you lose excess weight and improve your physical fitness and overall well-being.
Consider things you enjoy doing to keep your interest, such as dancing, gardening, or going for long walks. You want to exercise regularly, so it is important to find a few activities that you will enjoy to keep you active.
At Holland Farms, we are committed to help you make the most of living each day, and we believe healthy aging can be embraced. Our robust activity program provides opportunities for growth, fulfillment and fun. Take a look at our activity calendars to see some of what we have to offer to keep you active and enjoying life. We make it easy to find a few activities every week, or even everyday, to keep you busy.
#5) Keep stress level low
Chronic stress can affect your memory, immune system, and lead to depression and anxiety. It also contributes to high blood pressure and other heart disease risk factors. Since all of these can lead to a heart attack, you should talk to your doctor if you are feeling stressed and suffering from these risks.
There are ways you can work at keeping your stress level low. Consider practicing yoga or other meditation techniques. Also, if stress levels are very high, you may want to talk to a therapist for additional help. The medical staff at your carefree living residence are able to assist you in these needs.

#6) Watch certain health markers
Be aware of the health markers that are important for your heart to remain healthy and track them. For instance, if you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol, you need to pay attention to these regularly to keep them in line.
Also, if you have diabetes, pay special attention to your diet and other things, like exercise, that you can do to keep it under control. This is another reason the regular nutritious meals at Holland Farms can help with your overall well being.
Holland Farms adheres to nurturing four dimensions of wellness: social, spiritual, intellectual and physical. With the focus on the whole person, it is easier to meet your overall health goals.
#7) Get plenty of sleep
Studies show that good sleep is important to healthy brain function and overall health and well-being. Not getting enough sleep, especially if you continue to do this over a period of time, can raise your risk of heart disease, stroke, obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes. So, for many of the other tips to work well, you need to also get the rest your body and brain need.
Besides the other factors that are reasons to enjoy carefree communities in Norwalk, the variety of offerings for apartments and rooms at Holland Farms is another way you can find the best place for you to find peace and rest.
If you are looking for the right carefree community in Norwalk to meet your health and lifestyle needs, contact us at Holland Farms for a tour. A member of our team will be happy to answer all of your questions as you get the chance to view our beautiful community and find out all it has to offer!